Friday 19 July 2013

Have you got a big event coming up?

Are you preparing for a big event in your life?  Perhaps you are going for a job interview, or preparing for university, maybe you are getting married, or planning a new start in another country!

Only you know what your big event is.  Do you need some help to prepare?

It is amazing how we can become anxious, stressed out about big events.  How we prepare for those events is vital.  #Motivational support with or without #hypnosis can help.  Why not stenghten your preparation.  Hypnosis can help but don't just take my word for it...check it out for yourselves....

Tuesday 9 July 2013

Stressed out before your Summer holidays?

While speaking to a number of friends over the last few weeks I have noticed just how stressed out some people become just before going on their Summer holidays.  Reflecting on my time working at university I do remember the challenges of the need to achieve specific deadlines prior to taking leave.  The pressures experienced at this time makes it so hard to relax once away on leave.

Whether the pressures are created by our own individual perceptions of what we want or expect to achieve or whether the pressures are created by organisational expectations, or perhaps a combination of both, it is not clear.  The outcome however, can be horrendous.

Before rushing off to the airport, why not consider putting time aside to have some hypnosis?  Hypnosis can help you prepare for enjoying your Summer holidays without experiencing the negative outcomes offeeling stressed.  However, don't take my word for it, check it out for yourself!

Saturday 29 June 2013

Building a #relationship with your new #baby

Having a baby can be such a great and exciting time.  The relationship you develop with your new baby is so very important for both you and your baby.  So much of your baby's future development is dependant on the quality of the #baby-#parent #relationship.

For some soon-to-be-parents becoming a parent can be fraught with tensions and difficulties for a number of reasons.  Such difficulties can have a negative impact on the quality of the developing infant-parent relationship.

The #Watson Rooms can support parents to manage their relationship with their baby.  Why not get in touch.

Thursday 27 June 2013

Are you #motivated to stop smoking?

Many people who smoke would like to stop.  However, for some people the motivation to discontinue is hard to find.  For those who find themselves in this position, help is available to support your desire not to smoke anymore.

Motivation can be hard to find however help is at hand.  Sometimes being asked the right questions by a skilled person in a safe and supporting environment can highlight pockets of motivation previously hidden from thoughts.  Other tools can support smoking cessation such as nicotine replacement, supportive family and friends, hypnosis and a motivational coach.  Hey! Don't take my word for it.  Explore this for yourselves.

Monday 24 June 2013

Learning to manage your phobias and fears

We all have them, although some are more pronounced than others....fears and in some cases phobias!  They are difficult to manage at times and can be really disruptive, not to mention harmful.  For example I met a friend last week and he was telling me that he had to go to the dentist because of some long-term problems he was having with some teeth.  Now I have known my friend's fear of the dentist for many years.  This deep rooted fear is more complex because of a parallel fear of needles.  My friend decided that enough was enough so asked me to work with him so that he can go to the dentist for treatment.

A number of dentists practice, or have access to, clinical hypnosis to support patients who have a fear of attending the dentist for what ever reason. If you experience the same fears as my friend you might want to checkout which dentists offer this service.  Hey, don't take my word for it, check it out yourselves.

Saturday 22 June 2013

#Clinical hypnosis

Nowadays, a lot of people have heard of hypnosis.  We have experienced a number of TV shows in which hypnosis has been the focus.  Usually, this involves one presenter and a very willing audience participating in a number of 'funny' performances by hypnotised volunteers from the audience.  This is entertaining but is very different from clinical hypnosis.

Clinical hypnosis, on the other hand, involves one trained facilitator in hypnotic techniques working with one individual with an identified health related condition.  There are a number of health related conditions which benefit from the intervention of clinical hypnosis.  But hey don't take my word for it! Find out for yourselves and get back to me

Friday 21 June 2013


There have been a number of people discussing the impact of mindfulness.  For those of you who might never have heard of this term before, it is defined as:

'a receptive attention to and awareness of present events and experiences' (Brown and Ryan 2003).

Basically, this means being 'in the present'.  This involves being aware of our own physical world, emotions, sensations we are experiencing at any given time.  This is considered a powerful situation because of the consequences mindfulness can have on human behaviour, cognitions or thoughts,
and our emotions.  Think about it!  How would mindfulness impact on decision making?

Brown, K., & Ryan, R., 2003: The benefits of being present: Mindfulness and its role in psychological well-being: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: 84:  822-848.